Thursday 11 September 2014

You've got to be good!

We are planning to do measurements on ourselves and to do some potentially dangerous things too. Before starting to do these sorts of experiments it is important to consider carefully the effect our research might have on:
1) Ourselves! (we want to survive this club!);
2) Other people – we must not hurt or upset anyone else;
3) Animals – they have (some) rights too;
4) The environment – we have to keep coming to school after the club ends so we’d better not mess it up! (and Mrs Gerrard would be upset if we made a mess of the school – see (2) above).
This is an ethics review. We have to do a review of these issues, every time, before we do any research at University or at the Corbet. We watched this video:

to remind ourselves that different people might be upset by things we thing are not a problem and we thought about everything that we might be doing. I think it’s all OK but before we go further we have written to parents so they are informed and can give consent on our behalf for everything we might do to each other (now Dr Herbert can start experimenting on everyone! - mwahh-ha-haa!).

Here is our ethic review.

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